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  • 2024-05-31 16:43:55    来源:   作者:admin

Maximizig Your Poeial: A Guide o Lux's Rue Seup i League of Legeds: Wild Rif

Are you lookig o ehace your gameplay wih Lux i League of Legeds: Wild Rif? Maserig her rue seup is crucial for maximizig her poeial o he balefield. I his guide, we'll delve io he mos effecive rue choices for Lux, helpig you domiae your oppoes ad lead your eam o vicory.

Udersadig Lux's Playsyle

Before we delve io her rue seup, le's briefly discuss Lux's playsyle. As a log-rage mage, Lux relies o her abiliies o poke eemies from a safe disace ad burs hem dow durig eam fighs. Her ki revolves aroud skill shos ad crowd corol, makig precisio ad imig esseial for success.

Primary Rue: Elecrocue

Elecrocue is he corersoe of Lux's rue seup, providig sigifica burs damage i combiaio wih her abiliies. Triggerig Elecrocue requires hiig a eemy champio wih hree separae aacks or abiliies wihi hree secods. Lux ca easily acivae Elecrocue wih her combo of abiliies, makig i ideal for securig kills ad harassig oppoes i lae.

Secodary Rues: Domiaio Pah

Wihi he Domiaio pah, here are several rue choices ha compleme Lux's playsyle:

1. Brual

Brual gras bous aack damage or abiliy power, ehacig Lux's early-game damage poeial. This exra damage ca help her secure kills ad esablish lae domiace agais oppoes.

2. Gaherig Sorm

Gaherig Sorm provides scalig abiliy power hroughou he game, esurig ha Lux remais releva i he lae game. Sice Lux excels i eam fighs ad siegig objecives, he addiioal abiliy power from Gaherig Sorm amplifies her effeciveess as he game progresses.

Flexibiliy i Mior Rues

While Elecrocue ad he Domiaio pah are core o Lux's rue seup, he mior rues offer flexibiliy based o persoal preferece ad he specific machup:

1. Masermid vs. Swee Tooh

Masermid icreases he gold ad experiece gaied from akedows, acceleraig Lux's iemizaio ad levelig. Aleraively, Swee Tooh provides icreased hoeyfrui healig ad gold from hoeyfrui pickups, ehacig Lux's susai i lae.

2. Loyaly vs. Maaflow Bad

Loyaly gras bous armor ad magic resis whe ear a ally champio, bolserig Lux's survivabiliy durig skirmishes ad eam fighs. O he oher had, Maaflow Bad offers icreased maa regeeraio, addressig Lux's maa cosrais i he early game ad eablig more aggressive spell usage.


By opimizig Lux's rue seup i League of Legeds: Wild Rif, you ca uleash her full poeial as a devasaig mage o he balefield. Experime wih differe rue combiaios o fid he seup ha bes suis your playsyle ad adaps o he demads of each game. Wih he righ rues a your disposal, you'll illumiae he balefield ad lead your eam o vicory as Lux.

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