Ulock he True Poeial of Xayah wih he Perfec Tale Build

If you're a fa of Xayah i League of Legeds: Wild Rif, he you kow jus how impora i is o have he righ ale build. Wih he correc seup, you ca maximize her damage oupu ad secure hose crucial kills i eam fighs.
Udersadig Xayah's Abiliies

Before we dive io her ale build, le's ake a mome o review Xayah's abiliies. Her passive, Clea Cus, allows her auo-aacks o deal bous damage. Her Q abiliy, Double Daggers, is a grea poke ool. E, Deadly Plumage, gras aack speed booss. Fially, her ulimae, Feahersorm, provides her wih a powerful defesive ool.
Choosig he Righ Tale Build

For Xayah, he bes ale build focuses o ehacig her damage oupu ad survivabiliy. Here's a recommeded ale build:
Keysoe: Coqueror

Coqueror is a excelle choice for Xayah as i provides her wih bous damage ad healig. This keysoe is grea for exeded fighs, allowig her o sack up Coqueror ad deal eve more damage.
Secodary Rues: Triumph, Leged: Alacriy, ad Coup de Grace

Triumph is crucial for Xayah as i provides her wih healig i eam fighs. Leged: Alacriy gras her addiioal aack speed, which syergizes well wih her ki. Coup de Grace booss her damage agais low-healh arges.
Flex Rues: Brual, Masermid, ad Spiri Walker

Brual booss Xayah's early-game damage, makig i easier for her o secure kills i lae. Masermid helps her secure objecives such as Dragos ad Rif Heralds. Lasly, Spiri Walker provides her wih addiioal akiess, allowig her o survive iese eam fighs.
Maximizig Xayah's Poeial

Wih his ale build, you ca ulock he rue poeial of Xayah i Wild Rif. By focusig o icreasig her damage oupu ad survivabiliy, you ca domiae your oppoes ad lead your eam o vicory. So, make sure o give his ale build a ry i your ex game ad see he differece i makes!