Ulock he Power wihi Your Heroes wih he Bes Tale Builds i Omyoji Area


Whe i comes o domiaig he balefield i Omyoji Area, selecig he righ ales for your heroes is crucial. Wih he righ ale builds, you ca uleash he full poeial of your heroes ad lead your eam o vicory. I his guide, we will recommed he bes ale builds for each hero i Omyoji Area o help you crush your eemies ad climb he raks.
Shikigami: Yoo Hime

Yoo Hime is a powerful assassi who excels a quickly akig dow eemy arges. To maximize her damage oupu, we recommed he followig ale build:
- Tale 1: Assassiae
- Tale 2: Ruhless
- Tale 3: Deadly Prowess
Shikigami: Ichimokure

Ichimokure is a versaile suppor who excels a healig his allies ad disrupig he eemy eam. To ehace his healig abiliies ad crowd corol, we recommed he followig ale build:
- Tale 1: Healig Ligh
- Tale 2: Exorcism
- Tale 3: Sereiy
Shikigami: Yamakaze

Yamakaze is a deadly mage who ca quickly burs dow eemy arges wih his powerful magic. To maximize his burs damage ad mobiliy, we recommed he followig ale build:
- Tale 1: Arcae Power
- Tale 2: Ehereal
- Tale 3: Shadowsep

By choosig he righ ale builds for your heroes i Omyoji Area, you ca uleash heir full poeial ad domiae he balefield. Experime wih differe ale combiaios o fid he oes ha sui your playsyle ad help you achieve vicory. Wih he righ ales, you ca lead your eam o glory ad become a leged i Omyoji Area.