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英雄联盟手游全天赋图标,The Domiaio Tree

  • 2024-05-28 18:31:14    来源:   作者:admin

Uleash Your Power wih he Complee Collecio of League of Legeds Mobile Rues Icos

The Domiaio Tree

Choose from a variey of powerful rues o domiae your foes i bale. Wheher you prefer Elecrocue for burs damage or Predaor for swif egages, his ree has somehig for every aggressive player.

The Precisio Tree

Lookig o ehace your basic aacks ad susaied damage? Look o furher ha he Precisio ree. Wih opios like Coqueror for exeded fighs or Flee Foowork for mobiliy, you'll always be prepared for ay siuaio.

The Sorcery Tree

For mages ad marksme alike, he Sorcery ree offers a wide rage of opios o amplify your abiliies ad spells. From Arcae Come for poke damage o Gaherig Sorm for lae-game scalig, his ree is a mus-have for ay champio ha relies o abiliy power.

The Resolve Tree

If you prefer a more aky approach, he Resolve ree is perfec for you. Wih keysoes like Grasp of he Udyig for susai or Afershock for eamfigh durabiliy, his ree will help you say alive loger ad proec your eammaes i bale.

The Ispiraio Tree

Ge creaive wih your builds usig he Ispiraio ree. Wih uique keysoes like Glacial Augme for uiliy or Usealed Spellbook for versailiy, his ree allows you o experime ad discover ew playsyles ha sui your champio's sreghs.


Wih he full se of League of Legeds mobile rues icos a your disposal, you have he power o cusomize your build ad playsyle o sui your champio ad eam composiio. Take advaage of he diverse opios available i each ree o domiae he Rif ad lead your eam o vicory.

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