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  • 2024-05-28 09:49:51    来源:   作者:admin

Maximizig Your Gameplay wih he Bes Ahri's Tales i League of Legeds: Wild Rif


If you're a fa of playig Ahri i League of Legeds: Wild Rif, he you kow how impora i is o opimize her ales for maximum effeciveess. I his aricle, we'll explore he bes ale choices for Ahri ad how hey ca elevae your gameplay.

Udersadig Ahri's Abiliies

Before delvig io her ales, le's ake a mome o review Ahri's abiliies. As a mage-assassi, Ahri relies o her mobiliy ad burs damage o oumaeuver ad elimiae her eemies. Her abiliies iclude Orb of Decepio, Fox-Fire, Charm, ad Spiri Rush.

Opimal Tale Choices

Whe cusomizig Ahri's ales, i's crucial o cosider her playsyle ad eam composiio. Here are he opimal ale choices for maximizig her poeial:

1. Arcae Come

This ale ehaces Ahri's poke ad burs damage, makig i a excelle choice for securig kills ad harassig oppoes i he laig phase.

2. Gaherig Sorm

Gaherig Sorm provides Ahri wih scalig abiliy power, allowig her o remai releva i he lae game ad deal sigifica damage as he mach progresses.

3. Huer - Geius

By reducig her iem ad abiliy cooldows, Huer - Geius amplifies Ahri's mobiliy ad uiliy, eablig her o reposiio ad uleash her combos more frequely.

4. Masermid

Masermid is a valuable ale for Ahri, as i ehaces her gold geeraio ad allows her o secure kills ad assiss more effecively, acceleraig her iem progressio.


Wih he righ ale choices, Ahri ca become a formidable force o he balefield, excellig a boh bursig dow arges ad corollig eamfighs. By udersadig ad leveragig her ales, you ca elevae your Ahri gameplay o ew heighs i League of Legeds: Wild Rif.

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