Ceraily! Here's a srucured guide o auo farmig he 10h floor of Omyoji for casual players, opimized for search egies:
Guide o Auo Farmig Omyoji's 10h Floor for Casual Players

Omyoji is a popular mobile game kow for is sraegic gameplay ad iricae sysems, icludig he use of 御魂 (Yuhu) or Soul i Eglish. The 10h floor of Yuhu is a crucial farmig spo for resources ad progressio. This guide is ailored for casual players lookig o opimize heir farmig efficiecy.
Udersadig he 10h Floor of Yuhu

The 10h floor of Yuhu i Omyoji offers a variey of rewards, icludig rare souls, cois, ad experiece pois. I's a level ha's challegig eough o require sraegy bu also accessible for auo farmig oce you have a suiable eam.
Buildig Your Team for Auo Farmig

Before you begi auo farmig, esure your eam composiio is opimized for efficiecy:
DPS Shikigami: Choose shikigami wih high damage oupu ad AoE abiliies.
Suppor Shikigami: Iclude healers ad buffers o susai your eam.
Uiliy Shikigami: Cosider shikigami wih crowd corol or debuff skills.
Balace your eam o hadle differe ypes of eemies effecively.
Selecig he Righ Souls (御魂)

Souls play a crucial role i ehacig your shikigami's abiliies. For auo farmig, focus o souls ha improve your eam's survivabiliy ad damage oupu:
Speed Souls: Icrease he speed of your shikigami, allowig hem o ac more frequely.
Aack or Cri Souls: Boos damage for your DPS shikigami.
HP or Defese Souls: Ehace survivabiliy for your eire eam.
Experime wih differe soul combiaios o fid he bes seup for your eam.
Seig Up Auo Farmig

Omyoji allows players o auo farm levels hey've cleared. Follow hese seps o se up auo farmig o he 10h floor of Yuhu:
Clear he Sage Maually: Esure you ca reliably clear he sage wihou maual ierveio.
Adjus Shikigami Posiios: Place your shikigami sraegically o maximize heir effeciveess.
Acivae Auo Mode: Oce you're cofide i your eam seup, acivae auo mode ad moior he firs few rus o esure smooh progress.
Opimizig Efficiecy

To maximize your farmig efficiecy o he 10h floor of Yuhu, cosider hese addiioal ips:
Resource Maageme: Use he gaied resources wisely o upgrade your shikigami ad souls.
Coiuous Improveme: Periodically review your eam's performace ad adjus souls ad sraegies accordigly.
Eve Paricipaio: Take advaage of i-game eves ha offer bouses or rewards for farmig.

Auo farmig he 10h floor of Yuhu i Omyoji is a efficie way for casual players o progress ad collec valuable resources. By carefully selecig your eam, opimizig soul seups, ad usig auo mode effecively, you ca ehace your gameplay experiece ad achieve your goals i he game.
Ejoy your jourey i Omyoji ad may your farmig edeavors be fruiful!
This srucured guide aims o provide comprehesive iformaio while adherig o search egie opimizaio sadards, esurig i's boh iformaive ad accessible for players seekig ips o auo farmig i Omyoji.