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阴阳师平民玉藻前阵容,Buildig a Effecive Budge Yoo Hime Team i Omyoji

  • 2024-06-26 22:38:20    来源:   作者:admin

Ceraily! Here's a aricle o a budge eam for Yoo Hime i he game Omyoji, formaed wih headigs ad paragraphs as requesed:

Buildig a Effecive Budge Yoo Hime Team i Omyoji

Yoo Hime, a formidable shikigami i Omyoji, is highly sough afer for her powerful damage-dealig abiliies ad versailiy i various game modes. For players who are avigaig he game o a budge, assemblig a compee eam aroud Yoo Hime ca be boh rewardig ad challegig. This guide explores a effecive sraegy o maximize Yoo Hime’s poeial wihou breakig he bak.

Udersadig Yoo Hime's Role

Before divig io eam composiio, i’s crucial o udersad Yoo Hime’s role wihi your eam. As a DPS (damage per secod) shikigami, her primary objecive is o deal high amous of damage o he eemy eam, poeially swigig he ide of bale i your favor. Yoo Hime excels i boh PvE (Player versus Evirome) scearios such as Soul sages ad Secre Zoes, as well as i PvP (Player versus Player) duels.

Her skill se revolves aroud dealig AoE (Area of Effec) damage ad iflicig debuffs, makig her a versaile pick for various eam composiios.

Formulaig a Budge Yoo Hime Team

Whe cosrucig a budge eam aroud Yoo Hime, syergy ad cos-effeciveess are key cosideraios. Here’s a breakdow of a recommeded lieup:

1. Yoo Hime (DPS)

As he ceerpiece of your eam, Yoo Hime should be buil o maximize her damage oupu. Focus o upgradig her skills ad equippig her wih appropriae souls ha ehace her aack, criical rae, ad criical damage. Prioriize souls ha provide bouses o her basic aack ad skill damage.

2. Zashiki (Orb Provider)

Zashiki is a excelle choice for a budge eam due o her abiliy o passively geerae orbs, which are esseial for Yoo Hime’s freque skill usage. Build Zashiki wih Forue Ca souls o esure cosise orb geeraio hroughou he bale.

3. Kusa (Healer)

Kusa, or Momo if available, serves as he eam’s primary healer, esurig ha Yoo Hime ad oher eam members say alive durig prologed bales. Equip her wih Jizo Saue souls o maximize healig efficiecy ad survivabiliy.

4. Shouzu (Proecio)

Shouzu is a valuable addiio o he eam, providig proecio hrough her abiliy o redirec damage o herself. This helps keep Yoo Hime safe from direc aacks, allowig her o focus o dealig damage. Equip Shouzu wih Tree ymph souls o icrease her HP ad resiliece.

5. Yamausagi (Speed Buffer)

Yamausagi ehaces he eam’s speed, esurig ha Yoo Hime ad oher key shikigami ac faser i bale. Build Yamausagi wih Forue Ca souls o assis wih orb geeraio while maiaiig a high speed hreshold.

Team Sraegy ad Gameplay Tips

Oce you have assembled your budge Yoo Hime eam, i’s esseial o employ effecive sraegies o maximize heir effeciveess:

Focus Fire: Prioriize elimiaig eemy hreas ha ca couer Yoo Hime or disrup your eam’s sraegy.

Orb Maageme: Uilize Zashiki’s orb geeraio skill sraegically o esure Yoo Hime has eough orbs o uleash her skills.

Posiioig: Place Shouzu sraegically o redirec damage ad proec Yoo Hime from harm.

Timig Skills: Coordiae your eam’s skills o maximize heir impac durig crucial momes i bale.

Upgrade ad Evolve: Coiuously upgrade ad evolve your shikigami’s skills ad souls o improve heir performace.


Buildig a budge Yoo Hime eam i Omyoji requires careful plaig ad resource maageme. By focusig o syergy ad cos-effecive shikigami choices, players ca creae a formidable eam ceered aroud Yoo Hime’s devasaig damage poeial. Wih pracice ad sraegic gameplay, his budge eam ca excel i boh PvE ad PvP ecouers, makig i a rewardig ivesme for Omyoji players.

Remember o adap your sraegy based o your oppoes ad coiuously refie your eam’s composiio o say compeiive i he ever-evolvig world of Omyoji.

This aricle provides a comprehesive guide o how o build ad uilize a budge Yoo Hime eam effecively i Omyoji, coverig esseial aspecs such as eam composiio, sraegy, ad gameplay ips.

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