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王者荣耀欣蕊技能加点顺序,Xiyi Skills ad Abiliies Guide i Kig of Glory

  • 2024-07-01 05:52:04    来源:   作者:admin

Ceraily! Here's a srucured guide o how o allocae skill pois for Xiyi i Kig of Glory (王者荣耀), opimized for search egie sadards. Each secio is marked wih a ag ad coe is eclosed wihi ags for clariy ad SEO bes pracices.

Xiyi Skills ad Abiliies Guide i Kig of Glory

Iroducio o Xiyi

Xiyi, also kow as Xirui, is a versaile hero i Kig of Glory, kow for her abiliy o corol ad disrup eemy formaios. Proper allocaio of skill pois is crucial o maximize her effeciveess i differe game scearios.

Udersadig Xiyi's Skills

Xiyi possesses hree disic skills ha defie her role i bales:

1. Dace of Blades (刀锋之舞): Xiyi's primary damage-dealig skill, which deals physical damage o eemies i a coe-shaped area.

2. Mooli Walz (月光之舞): Provides Xiyi wih a shield ha absorbs damage ad gras her icreased moveme speed for a shor duraio.

3. Cresce Barrage (弯月轰击): Xiyi's ulimae skill, uleashig a barrage of blades ha deal damage i a wide area ad sigificaly slow dow eemies hi.

Early Game Skill Poi Allocaio

I he early sages of he game, focusig o maximizig Dace of Blades is beeficial:

1s Level: Dace of Blades (1 poi)

2d Level: Dace of Blades (2 pois)

3rd Level: Mooli Walz (1 poi)

This disribuio allows Xiyi o farm miios effecively ad coribue o early skirmishes wih icreased damage oupu.

Mid Game Skill Poi Allocaio

As he game progresses, adjus he skill pois o ehace survivabiliy ad uiliy:

4h Level: Dace of Blades (3 pois)

5h Level: Mooli Walz (2 pois)

6h Level: Cresce Barrage (1 poi)

This seup improves Xiyi's abiliy o susai i eam fighs wih a sroger shield ad mobiliy.

Lae Game Skill Poi Allocaio

By he lae game, prioriize maximizig Xiyi's ulimae abiliy for eam figh domiace:

7h Level: Dace of Blades (4 pois)

8h Level: Cresce Barrage (2 pois)

9h Level: Mooli Walz (3 pois)

Wih his arrageme, Xiyi becomes a formidable force, dealig sigifica area damage ad corollig he balefield wih her crowd corol effecs.

Aleraive Skill Poi Allocaio

Depedig o he eam composiio ad game dyamics, a aleraive allocaio ca be cosidered:

Early Game: Dace of Blades (2 pois), Mooli Walz (1 poi)

Mid Game: Dace of Blades (3 pois), Mooli Walz (2 pois), Cresce Barrage (1 poi)

Lae Game: Dace of Blades (4 pois), Mooli Walz (3 pois), Cresce Barrage (2 pois)

This seup ehaces Xiyi's survivabiliy early o ad esures a balaced approach owards maximizig damage ad uiliy i laer sages.


Maserig Xiyi's skill poi allocaio is esseial for leveragig her sreghs a various sages of he game. By adapig her skills o mach he eam's eeds ad game flow, players ca maximize her poeial ad coribue effecively o vicories i Kig of Glory.

This guide provides a comprehesive approach o opimizig Xiyi's skills i Kig of Glory, srucured o mee SEO sadards while deliverig valuable isighs for players.

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