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王者荣耀有趣的英雄,Kig of Glory: Top 5 Fu Heroes You Should Try

  • 2024-05-29 10:18:18    来源:   作者:admin

Kig of Glory: Top 5 Fu Heroes You Should Try

Are you a fa of Kig of Glory? Lookig for some fu heroes o play wih? Look o furher! We have compiled a lis of op 5 fu heroes i Kig of Glory ha you should defiiely ry ou. Wheher you prefer o play as a ak, mage, assassi, marksma, or suppor, here is a hero o his lis for everyoe.

Su: The Mokey Kig

Su, also kow as he Mokey Kig, is a fu hero o play i Kig of Glory. His abiliy o summo cloes ad spli push makes him a grea hero for spli-pushig sraegies. Addiioally, his ulimae abiliy allows him o kock up ad su muliple eemies, makig him a valuable asse i eam fighs.

Ruby: The Lile Red Gaker

Ruby, also kow as he Lile Red Gaker, is a fu hero o play i Kig of Glory. Her abiliy o dash i ad ou of bale while suig ad pullig eemies makes her a grea hero for iiiaig eam fighs. Addiioally, her passive abiliy allows her o regeerae healh whe dealig damage o eemies, makig her a susai figher.

aa: The Felie Wizard

aa, also kow as he Felie Wizard, is a fu hero o play i Kig of Glory. Her abiliy o ur eemies io a helpless ca wih her ulimae abiliy is boh hilarious ad effecive. Addiioally, her crowd corol abiliies make her a valuable asse i eam fighs, as she ca disable muliple eemies a oce.

Yi Su-Shi: The Spiri of Admiral

Yi Su-Shi, also kow as he Spiri of Admiral, is a fu hero o play i Kig of Glory. His abiliy o swich bewee raged ad melee aacks makes him a versaile hero ha ca adap o differe siuaios. Addiioally, his ulimae abiliy allows him o call upo his baleship o rai dow caoballs o eemies, makig him a deadly marksma.

Alice: The Quee of he Uderworld

Alice, also kow as he Quee of he Uderworld, is a fu hero o play i Kig of Glory. Her abiliy o drai he life force of eemies while regeeraig her ow healh makes her a durable mage. Addiioally, her ulimae abiliy allows her o rasform io a ba ad fly aroud he balefield, makig her a hard arge o cach.

So, wha are you waiig for? Pick oe of hese fu heroes ad domiae he balefield i Kig of Glory!

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