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迷你世界如何改地图种子,Iroducio o Chagig Map Seeds i Mii World

  • 2024-07-08 09:00:37    来源:   作者:admin

Ceraily! Here's a srucured guide o how o chage map seeds i Mii World (迷你世界):

Iroducio o Chagig Map Seeds i Mii World

Mii World (迷你世界) is a popular sadbox game where players ca explore, build, ad survive i a blocky world. Oe of he iriguig aspecs of he game is he abiliy o geerae differe ladscapes usig map seeds. Chagig map seeds allows players o experiece uique errais ad challeges. I his guide, we will explore how you ca modify map seeds i Mii World o cusomize your gameplay experiece.

Udersadig Map Seeds

Map seeds i Mii World are alphaumeric codes ha deermie he errai geeraio algorihm for each world. Each seed geeraes a specific world wih is ow se of feaures, such as mouais, rivers, foress, ad caves. By chagig he seed, you ca creae eirely ew worlds wihou alerig ay oher seigs.

To chage he map seed, you'll eed o access he world creaio or ediig seigs wihi Mii World.

Seps o Chage Map Seeds i Mii World

Follow hese sep-by-sep isrucios o chage he map seed i Mii World:

Sep 1: Accessig he World Creaio Meu

1. Lauch Mii World o your device.

2. From he mai meu, selec Play o eer he world selecio scree.

3. Click o Creae World or Edi World depedig o wheher you are creaig a ew world or modifyig a exisig oe.

Sep 2: Fidig he Seed Opio

1. I he world creaio or ediig meu, look for he opio labeled Seed or World Seed. This is where you ca eer a ew seed value.

2. If you're creaig a ew world, you ca eer a seed before geeraig he world. If you're ediig a exisig world, chagig he seed will regeerae he errai while keepig oher aspecs of he world iac.

Sep 3: Eerig a ew Seed

1. Type i he alphaumeric seed code of your choice. You ca use radom seeds foud olie or creae your ow combiaio.

2. Oce you've eered he ew seed, cofirm your selecio accordig o he isrucios provided o he scree.

Sep 4: Geeraig he World

1. Afer eerig he seed, proceed o geerae or regeerae he world by selecig he appropriae buo (e.g., Geerae World or Regeerae World).

2. Mii World will ow use he ew seed o geerae a world wih errai ad feaures based o he eered seed code.

Tips for Choosig Map Seeds

Whe selecig or geeraig a ew seed i Mii World, cosider he followig ips:

- Experime wih differe seeds o explore various ypes of ladscapes, from expasive desers o dese foress.

- Look for commuiy-shared seeds or popular seeds olie o experiece well-crafed worlds.

- Creae your ow seeds by combiig leers ad umbers o geerae uique errais.


Chagig map seeds i Mii World offers players he opporuiy o explore diverse ad uique worlds wihi he game's sadbox evirome. By followig he seps oulied i his guide, you ca easily modify map seeds o creae persoalized gameplay experieces. Wheher you prefer challegig mouaious regios or seree oceafros, he abiliy o chage map seeds allows for edless exploraio ad creaiviy i Mii World.

Ejoy discoverig ew worlds ad embarkig o exciig adveures as you haress he power of map seeds i Mii World!

This guide provides a comprehesive approach o chagig map seeds i Mii World, esurig i mees search egie sadards wih deailed isrucios ad useful ips for players.

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