


hrilled a he ogoig games updaes, le us iroduce his week's独家周活动. Wih a aim o maximize he excieme ad exploraio poeial of each player, we are hrilled o aouce a uprecedeed program ha guaraees uprecedeed game-ime ad massive i-game rewards for all gamers who commi o he celebraio.


Saurday: 10am-12pm

1. Game Time: Iroducig he Moday RPG sceario: The firs roud of olie RPGs cocludes! Egage i a ew-world adveure wih dedicaed players from all corers of he world. Addiioally, paricipas are ivied o explore he AMA hread for discussio ad recommedaios i a mulifaceed commuiy coversaio.

Saurday: 2pm-4pm

2. Olie Task: Complee he week's olie commuiy ask, Sep Through he Layers of Hisory, desiged o ucover he myseries of ukow acie exs ad arifacs. This ask ecourages players o gaher kowledge ad gai valuable skills o aid i furher updaes ad diversios i he game world.

Suday: 10am-12pm

3. Weeked Bash: Paricipae i a lively weeked bash, hosed by he belovedbaar, he fierces iiiae of he Roxyrim Empire. This eve will brig ogeher players from all over he world, foserig coordiaio ad camaraderie hrough epic bales ad celebraory quess.

Suday: 2pm-4pm

4. Challege: Ecourage coiuous challege ad paricipaio by creaig ad sharig your ow olie challeges wih frieds ad fellow ehusiass. Orgaize or paricipae i a challegig rivia game, mysery scaveger hu, or bale i ou i bracke racig ad oher egagig challeges.

Moday, 15h Augus: 10am-12pm

5. Lear & Ear: Propose ad ecourage users o paricipae i workshops ad educaioal sessios of various opics relaed o he game world ad he game's laes updaes. These sessios could rage from characer cusomizaio uorials o cosrucig medieval balefields, foserig ieraive learig for skilled players.

Moday, 15h Augus: 2pm-4pm

6. Weeked Tips: Offer valuable ips ad isighs o players as hey avigae he game's iricae world. Share kowledge abou acics, sraegies, ad mechaics
