英雄联盟手游一周年庆活动,Joi he Celebraio of League of Legeds: Wild Rif

Joi he Celebraio of League of Legeds: Wild Rif Oe Year Aiversary!

Come ad celebrae he success of League of Legeds: Wild Rif as i marks is oe year aiversary wih a exciig lieup of eves ad aciviies for all players o ejoy.

Special I-Game Rewards Awai!

Paricipae i he aiversary eve o ear exclusive i-game rewards such as skis, champios, ad more. Do' miss ou o his opporuiy o show off your achievemes i syle!

Compee i Aiversary Tourames

Show off your skills ad compee i special aiversary ourames for a chace o wi amazig prizes ad ear braggig righs as he ulimae Wild Rif champio.

Exclusive Aiversary Merchadise

Ge your hads o limied ediio aiversary merchadise o commemorae his special occasio. From -shirs o keychais, here's somehig for every Wild Rif fa o ejoy.

Joi he Aiversary Livesream

Tue i o he special aiversary livesream o cach exciig reveals, developer ierviews, ad more. Do' miss ou o his opporuiy o ge a iside look a he fuure of Wild Rif.

Share Your Aiversary Memories

Share your favorie Wild Rif memories from he pas year o social media usig he hashag WildRifAiversary. Coec wih fellow players ad celebrae he amazig commuiy ha has formed aroud his popular game.

Do' Miss Ou o he Fu!

Celebrae he oe year aiversary of League of Legeds: Wild Rif i syle by paricipaig i all he exciig aciviies ad eves plaed for his special occasio. Le's make his aiversary oe o remember!
