
Exciig Celebraios for he 10h Aiversary of League of Legeds: Wild Rif

Joi us as we commemorae a decade of League of Legeds: Wild Rif wih hrillig eves ad exclusive rewards!

Special I-Game Challeges

Embark o epic quess ad face formidable foes i special i-game challeges desiged o es your skills ad reward your dedicaio.

Exclusive Skis ad Rewards

Ulock limied ediio skis ad collec exclusive rewards o showcase your loyaly ad celebrae his momeous occasio i syle.

Commuiy Tourames ad Eves

Paricipae i commuiy ourames ad eves o coec wih fellow players, showcase your ales, ad wi amazig prizes.

Grad Aiversary Fiale

Do' miss ou o he grad aiversary fiale eve, feaurig live performaces, developer isighs, ad a seak peek a fuure updaes!

Joi he Celebraio Today!

Mark your caledars ad joi us i celebraig he 10h aiversary of League of Legeds: Wild Rif. Le he fesiviies begi!
